If you’re in web design sales, you already know that feeling of fulfillment and joy when you land a web design customer and get the job after effectively pitching your services, regardless of whether it’s a big job or a small one. However, if you know the feeling of joy when you strike a deal, you also know that pitching your web design services isn’t so simple, and the degree of its difficulty fluctuates, depending on who you are pitching to. Individuals, mid-sized companies, and big corporations require a different pitching approach.

Pitching Your Services To Prospective Web Design Clients

However, specific nuances like research, preparation, and confidence need to be considered for pitching to organizations of all sizes and external challenges that you might need to overcome so they don’t affect your success. In this article, we’ll provide you with three proven tips to help you build your website design sales pitch for prospective clients that will consistently win you more and better contracts.

Make Your Portfolio The Strongest It Can Be 

Truth be told, you can’t just walk your way into a web design contract without providing the prospective client with proof of how good and skilled your company is. For that reason, beyond equipping your portfolio with a killer design, you should also include the following:

  • Include company case studies in your portfolio for your most successful previous projects and use those statistics to manifest what types of results your clients may expect if they start working with you. 
  • Show and tell the before and after stories of previous clients so that your prospects can see how you’ve transformed other outdated websites or basic concepts into high-powered sales machines.
  • Regularly update your portfolio with your latest projects before submitting a new sales pitch. 

If you include these essentials into your portfolio, it can pull double-duty: give you tangible examples and proof to share during calls and attract new high-quality sales leads for your company.

Submit Only Personalized Pitches And Email Them Directly To The Decision Makers

If you’re going to knock your clients’ socks off, you need to submit only personalized sales proposals and submit them directly to the decision-makers in the companies you want to work for. To do that, make sure that in your web design proposal template, you briefly introduce who you are, your company, the clients for who you’ve worked, and why you want to help your prospective client with their website design efforts. Also, don’t forget to provide a link to your portfolio and bring up some eye-opening statistics from your earlier projects.

Pitching Your Services To Prospective Web Design Clients

If you don’t have any statistics of your own yet, you can still get your clients’ affection by sharing statistics relevant to their situation. For example, you could mention that nearly 70% of all website visits in 2020 came from mobile devices on a global level. So, if their website isn’t mobile responsive, according to Google, you can use this stat to help you book a call and let them understand why it’s essential for their business to acquire your web designing services. 

Nevertheless, you should never harp too much on what’s wrong with their existing website and wrap up your proposal on a positive note and what you can do for them. Finally, add a link in your signature or the body of the message so they can easily book a call with you when they’re ready to accept your offer.

Speak To Your Prospective Clients “In Their Own” Language

Furthermore, if you start talking to prospective clients about things like prototyping, website caching, or customer journey mapping, they’re not going to understand what the heck you’re trying to communicate with them. For that reason, to turn a prospect into a paying client, you need to start speaking with them “in their own language.” 

So, instead of journey mapping, go light on the tech terms, and focus on the ROI instead. In the end, that’s what they’re really paying for—increased website traffic, quality leads, and, ultimately, conversions. 

Show them what a great, new website can do for their business, and start talking about what you envision about their site. Moreover, if you have a case study under your sleeve that’s somewhat similar to their site or situation, now is the time to show off. Whatever you do, just make sure not to over-promise anything. You don’t want them believing that they’ll make $5000 a day in sales the second you launch their new site. Make them optimistic about the website’s future, but don’t overdo it.

Final Thoughts

Follow these three simple tips the next time you’re heading out for a client meeting or preparing yourself to pitch your services over a mail and rest assured that they’re going to be impressed with what you have to offer. The tips mentioned above will give you a giant leap against your market competitors, help you to have a better pitch, and gain more clients for your web design business. 


Sumit is a Tech and Gadget freak and loves writing about Android and iOS, his favourite past time is playing video games.

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