A hot new tech startup doesn’t sell itself. In current times, every new startup or even existing business has to adopt killer ways to market. Without this, they don’t stand a chance in the highly-competitive tech industry. 

Here I’m going to discuss the top five useful strategies that can favorably help you market your tech startup: 

Useful Strategies to Market Your Tech Startup

1) Try Organic Social Media Platforms

In today’s digital era, social media platforms like Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, YouTube, Snapchat, LinkedIn, etc. have to offer a lot to upcoming businesses. If you aim to market your tech startup in no time and build business credibility, then you must give a thought to different social media platforms. Paid social media marketing can grow your tech business by boosting the number of followers for your products or services. This ensures high revenue and better profitability. 

When it comes to organic social media, you can take any forum to start and execute any tactic from joining a discussion to trending hashtags to publishing quality content. Social media platforms are empowering and offer a relevant solution to your marketing needs. 

2) Invest in Content Marketing

Are you looking to invest in a profitable inbound marketing strategy, but don’t know where to start? Then, you should think about content marketing. You can either build a great team of content writers or simply outsource relevant marketing services like guest posting to strengthen your online marketing game. It is more wise, cost-effective, and rewarding to outsource marketing services to ensure high-quality content for your website, magazine ads, billboard advertisements, etc. You can even consult a seo guest posting service provider to help you drive targeted traffic, expand the online network, generate qualified leads, improve sales cycle, and sharpen long-term growth for your tech startup.

There are plenty of things that come under the umbrella of content marketing. You can expect split testing, search engine optimization, and a high conversion rate by covering images, videos, audios, and written content. The decision for implementing the best technique depends on the context of your startup and its core activities. 

3) Host a Contest

Hosting a contest may seem like an old marketing technique, but it can be very rewarding for a rising business. You should plan to run a contest if you aim explosive growth for your tech startup. With the help of a contest, you can gain the attention of a massive audience in the shortest period. You can either opt for online contests or offline contests. 

If you think that running a contest is like an artificial strategy to obtain new users, then you may be wrong here. It is because most successful tech ventures in the world have implemented the same strategy in the last decade. 

4) Attend Trade Shows

You can also reach out to a new audience by attending trade shows and establishing networks. If you are confident enough to go offline and seek out a huge following for your startup, then you must consider attending trade shows more often. You can meet inspirational tech personalities, tech influencers, and interact with like-minded people by attending trade shows and conferences. The benefit of attending these trade shows is that you can easily follow up with your leads by sending postcards, which can be that personal touch to your marketing plan that sets your company apart from your competitors. 

In a tech community, developers and programmers live for such events and shows. This way, they can share their tech startup ideas, market their services/products, and discuss what is new in the programming. To get the same for your startup, you should also leverage relationships at trade shows and promote your new programs. This will grow your small business startup into a massive company. 

5) Employ Guerrilla Marketing

Lastly, on my list, I’ve guerrilla marketing, which is the best tactic to get the word out about your tech startup. Guerrilla marketing is best suited for entrepreneurs who think outside the box and are always willing to take risks when it comes to promoting their businesses. 

Guerrilla marketing is a form of aggressive communication. It is a great advertisement tactic that uses unconventional methods to get needed publicity and promote products/services. In recent times, many renowned businesses are adopting guerrilla marketing strategies to market their products/services like Nike, Ikea, Absolut, Volkswagen, and even UNICEF. 

Perhaps, you have encountered many guerrilla marketing tactics on a daily basis, such as viral videos, stencil graffiti, publicity stunts, etc. 


Sumit is a Tech and Gadget freak and loves writing about Android and iOS, his favourite past time is playing video games.

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