Technology has made an unprecedented step ahead since the beginning of the century. Thanks to that, people’s lives have become significantly simpler. Take students, for instance. Such an advancement allows them to get a quick essay, presentation, or computer science homework help, to name a few. 

However, with an abundance of such services and opportunities to tackle various assignments, plenty of people think that technology doesn’t drive progress, at least when it comes to academia. We have put together a list of five ways to illustrate how technology can help a student study effectively and retain more information.

Creates a more engaged learning environment

It isn’t surprising that lots of people prefer a traditional approach toward studies. They oppose any implementations, thinking that they will only disturb students. Yet, the results of such applications are diametrically opposite. Utilizing modern technologies had proved that students became more engaged and active during such classes. Their productivity spiked, and they were willing to participate and interact with others actively. 

For younger, k-5 students, specific interactive boards and programs exist, which require teachers to be intermediaries between such apps and learners. In contrast, more mature school attendees, like first-year high school students or seniors, can benefit from numerous apps independently. For instance, students can use Quizlet to get ready for tests or simply practice spaced repetition or Duolingo to learn a new language. 

Diversifies classes

With the rapid technology development, monotonous classes are a thing of the past. More schools receive grants to optimize their teaching equipment to entice students to learn and make classes more diverse. Over the past years, colleges adopted numerous techniques to branch out classes, making them more informative, stunning, and, above all, visually appealing. 

Teachers can now divide classes into several blocks to show a PowerPoint presentation using a projector and retain the information by setting quizzes and other brief tests. Most importantly, students are no longer limited by classroom walls. Whether they are in a rural or urban area, they can remotely visit the number of places or events pertinent to their discipline. For instance, during Geography classes, an instructor can take students and follow an expedition in the region, read scientists’ articles or blog posts, view photos, and even meet experts online and let students pose questions that interest them the most. This will expand students’ horizons and raise their motivation to study.

Enhances collaboration

The pandemic outbreak has made students stuck at home and attend online classes. And while many tended to have difficulties taking part in such remote classes, technology has nevertheless proved useful. Cloud-based and voice/video calls apps have become prevalent among students, allowing them to cooperate on various projects and get things done effectively. 

Online conferences are an excellent way to improve students’ collaborative skills. Using Zoom or Microsoft Teams, teachers can create breakout rooms and let students work on a common topic and prepare to present it to the class. Not only does such cooperation help students discuss a subject and develop critical ideas, but it also bolsters learners’ analytic and oral abilities. 

Enables students to learn outside school

With a bounty of available courses on the Internet, students can advance at their own pace without thinking of falling behind peers. The beauty of self-paced courses is that you don’t have to rush to cover the material. Those who feel less confident in a topic can get back to a difficult chapter at any time and complete it once again. Likewise, students that search for more challenging tasks can enroll in additional courses and drill their skills individually.

Grants access to resources

Attending a library on a Saturday morning doesn’t sound appealing. Not everyone has the motivation to study in general, let alone waking up early and commuting to the library. These days, students don’t need to follow this pattern to borrow a book and find relevant chapters to include in their papers. With the Internet connection, learners have access to nearly any information at the drop of a hat. The world wide web enables students to visit numerous academic institutions, scholarly web pages, and research materials and get updated and authoritative information on any topic. 


Ever since technology has started advancing, studying has become more manageable. The Internet allows learners to find information on any topic quickly and easily. Moreover, technologies have made classes more interactive, implementing visual components and different educational applications. Last but not least, students can raise their self-esteem and competence by signing for additional courses and completing them on their own.


Sumit is a Tech and Gadget freak and loves writing about Android and iOS, his favourite past time is playing video games.

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