Businesses use a variety of marketing tactics to create leads from a variety of sources, including websites, keyword searches, media advertising campaigns, and email campaigns. Call monitoring software, on the other hand, is required if you want precise insights into the results of all your online and offline campaigns.

Call tracking is one of the most effective ways to track the success of your marketing campaigns and improve the quality of your customer service. The key to raising your revenue is to understand what works and what doesn’t.

It is responsible for tracking the entire journey of your customers from sources to calling your business. Knowing your customer and their goals is critical to fine-tuning your marketing plan and improving your sales.

Why Choose Call Tracking Software?

Customers are an organization’s lifeline. You can’t expect a company to work and grow unless it adds new consumers and keeps the ones it already has. This is where call tracking software comes into play: to acquire new clients and generate leads.

When a business uses call tracking software, they are able to use trackable phone numbers that show the attribution of their call leads—tracing them back to PPC ads, social media ads, or content marketing that directs traffic to a company website. This allows marketers to see which campaigns are the most successful, allowing them to focus their resources on the most effective marketing strategies.

In addition to inbound call attribution, the call tracking technologies use artificial intelligence to provide value and functionality. Features like real-time traffic analysis and detailed caller analytics provide performance insight that is tremendously valuable for Marketing professionals in the Lead Generation business.

Finding Best Call Tracking Software

The main objective of a good Call tracking software is to boost the generation and conservation of potential leads, give an insight into the marketing campaign of your business, and provide the customer with the best services possible. Phonexa’s call logic is one such solution on the market that provides useful data insights and includes features like analytics, tracking, lead distribution, and real-time reporting.

Phonexa’s Call Logic is a fully integrated call platform that provides excellent analytics and intelligent voice response. It can assist in evaluating the behavior and demographics of your callers, and the information gathered from these conversations is utilized to better understand the consumers and monitor the representatives’ performance. Call Logic ensures that every call gets analyzed without a miss.

Features of Call Logic

Call Logic provides some basic levels of value and functionality that all the platforms provide, such as real-time reporting, call analytics, call tracking. It also offered some advanced-level features like Predictive Modeling for Marketing Campaigns, Real-time call bidding and lead acquisitions, and Ping Tree technology to generate leads.

1) Call Analytics:

Call analytics takes advantage of all the information gathered through call tracking, allowing you to analyze the performance of specific keywords in call campaigns or compare campaign success to factors such as location, time of day, and other variables. These analytics tools provide insight into the efficacy of call campaigns and assist businesses in increasing their marketing ROI.

It offers features like create a comparison analysis to uncover patterns or blind spots, evaluate publisher quality with a traffic flow report, and use Filter Analyzer to understand what kind of traffic you’re missing out on. It can also be linked to other sales tools like Google AdWords and Salesforce to provide a comprehensive view of the customer journey for inbound calls, from keyword to call center.

Call Logic

2) Call Tracking and IVR

With call tracking, you can improve ad targeting by using caller data, increase traffic by moving resources based on real-time call data, increase calls and leads from popular landing pages, plan future campaign efforts with predictive analysis, and much more. It includes a line-by-line description of each lead, as well as a time stamp, information on where the lead originated, which buyer it was matched with, and if the lead resulted in the sale of a product or service.

Instead of being placed on hold, callers are immediately linked to an IVR. It manages your incoming calls with data-driven automatic call routing that distributes calls based on caller IVR responses and agent availability. You can also select from a number of different IVR voice professionals to represent your company. You can also modify your IVR script or touch-tone settings with ease.

3) Call Logic Dashboard

Call Logic

The interface for Call Logic is incredibly user-friendly. The dashboard gives you an excellent overview of how many calls are coming and how the campaigns are performing. With a complete “at-a-glance” dashboard, you can check all of your daily traffic and other critical performance data for your campaigns with just one program. This unique solution interface provides you with real-time information about your incoming calls.

4) Predictive Modeling

Predictive modeling uses existing data as part of an algorithm model to form estimated outcomes that can be used to inform marketing decisions. By using predictive modeling, marketers are able to see plausible outcomes of their strategic initiatives.

By using predictive analytics, it is possible to get a full understanding of your lead quality and judge the expected effectiveness of new campaigns. It can help you optimize your resources and spending, gain insight into past customer interactions, and plan your growth strategy.

5) Ping Post Calls

Call Logic

With a reimagined approach to purchasing and selling ping post leads, Ping Post 2.0 allows publishers and buyers to collaborate directly. The ping tree dynamically bids on publishers’ leads, allowing them to earn the best price for their leads.

Wrapping Up:

Phonexa’s Call Logic has the ability to spot trends and find income-boosting insights with granular reporting not available with other solutions. It offers some game-changing features like ping-post calls, predictive Modeling, call analytics, and call recording that make it worth buying.


Sumit is a Tech and Gadget freak and loves writing about Android and iOS, his favourite past time is playing video games.

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