We live in a digital era and sometimes tend to forget about traditional marketing techniques that still work well for businesses. Not everything needs to be marketed through social media. Flyers and even letters are making a comeback. But that doesn’t mean that you need to give up on digital marketing entirely!

What is traditional marketing?

Marketing has come a long way since the first TV ads and flashy billboards appeared. Digital media has made it possible to reach consumers worldwide very quickly. But what is considered traditional marketing and how can it benefit businesses today? 

Traditional methods still matter and there still are a lot of benefits that speak for marketing strategies that make use of print ads and even painted signs. In fact, by painting a shop sign you can distinguish your business from your competition and appear more accessible and down to earth.

Flyers and leaflets provide a more personal way to let people know about your brand or an event that you are organising too. By handing someone a flyer you are directly interacting with them and allowing them to ask questions. 

What is digital marketing?

Digital marketing gives businesses many options that can lead to highly successful campaigns if implemented correctly. The tools and methods available today give every business the opportunity to grow, no matter how small they may start out.

SEO strategies can boost the visibility and ranking of a brand’s website and lead people to the products offered. Digital marketing through social media enables direct interaction with customers and a quick way to get in touch with customer service representatives, such as through Twitter or Facebook Messenger.

How can they work together?

Print ads today stand out simply because technology is so advanced and many prefer to market online. But digital marketing is still a very important way of reaching customers that shouldn’t be disregarded.

They work best as a combination, and both have benefits. By putting up posters or handing out flyers you can approach potential customers in person, while social media allows you to target certain demographics very accurately.

Next to email marketing, handwritten letters or thank you cards to customers, or including personalised notes in packages, can make your brand seem much more personable. It’s a great way to strengthen your image. 

How you combine the two successfully depends on your strategy and business model. You can focus your traditional marketing on specific people you want to know about your product, while your digital campaigns can be more effective for targeting potential new customers.

This ability to combine the two strands makes marketing a lot easier than it used to be. 


Sumit is a Tech and Gadget freak and loves writing about Android and iOS, his favourite past time is playing video games.

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