If you run any business you know that you are only as strong as your clients. That is why lead generation plays such a significant role. Easier said than done, lead gen can be the most time-consuming and frustrating aspect of marketing. In this article, we will be giving you the low down on the hottest trends in lead generation for 2020.

Let’s jump right in.


2020 is all about Influencers. Influencer marketing is the buzz word and for good reason. The best sale is almost always made via word of mouth. That is why reviews and sites like Yelp affect your business so much.  Check out https://convertica.org/ for more details.

Influencers provide two critical parts of good lead gen.

  1. They come with a built-in audience keen on your product or niche. Instead of trying to target your demographic, they offer them up on a silver platter.
  2. The conversion rate is insane. Not only do they have thousands and sometimes millions of followers they also carry a level of authority. When an influencer recommends your product you can expect real results. 

Now, getting and affording an influencer is easier said than done. This is why many opt for a Lead Generation Agency to help put their business in the lead (sorry for the pun).

Video vs. Email Marketing 

Second, only to word of mouth marketing, is video. The last decade has definitely seen email marketing dominating this space, the recent stats are in and 2020 and beyond are seeing an astounding rise in video content. 

In a recent study, it was found that YouTube videos get an impressive 48% more views. This means more brand awareness, connection, and long-term loyalty to your business. 

Combining the two is a great way to hit that sweet spot of written and visual content. This also means much higher click-through-rates than traditional emailing. 

Email marketing has been shown to be very effective with over 70% of customers relating that they prefer email to any other communication channel. When we receive an email, we feel connected and part of the journey. Lead Generation agency will often focus on crafting special written content for email marketing that take customers on a journey through the brands’ vision. 

Content Marketing 

The written word is not “dead” but it does need a revival. Gone are the days where you could just throw some content together and expect your company to run. Today content is a driving force behind many lead generation practices and strategies. Here are a few things to keep in mind to ensure your content will hit the right spot. 

  • Interactive – the more interactive the content the better. Infographics, webinars, and video all help to enrich the experience and keep your reader engaged
  • Know your customer – buyer persona matters and your content should speak your leads’ language. Forget prohibitive jargon or outdated references. Keep it current, casual, and helpful. 
  • Length – a good content length is around 1500 words according to most studies, especially for SEO purposes. That being said be sure to segment your piece out similar to taking breaks when on a marathon, so your reader will stick around to the end and so you can increase conversions. 
  • Personal – if your audience has a customized experience you can bet they will stick around. Knowing your customer, speaking to their needs wants, and their specific situation will increase leads, conversions, and loyalty. 

AI Tech

This is probably the trend of the century with AI becoming expected. Some companies that are spearheading this shift are Growbots which is an automated lead generation tool with over 200  million contacts. Hubspot offers Growthbot which includes an easy-to-use interface CRM. Conversica helps with an impressive algorithm that has real-time conversations to glean important info to support sales teams and ensure higher close-rate. 

Start using any or all of these hot trends today!


Sumit is a Tech and Gadget freak and loves writing about Android and iOS, his favourite past time is playing video games.

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