When many people are contemplating learning their first programming language or framework, Java, Python, JavaScript and PHP are what will most often come to mind. But while it is important to learn these popular languages, do not make your decision on a programming language based on popularity alone.

Ruby on Rails has carved out a distinct space in the developer community thanks to the compelling advantages it provides for first-time programmers. A software development framework designed to support Ruby on Rails should be at the top of your list of programming languages to learn first for the following reasons:

1. Built on Best Practices

Ruby on Rails is built on responsible web development and design practices. It adheres to the three C’s of coding practices – that is, clean, compact and comprehensive. Moreover, it encourages representational state transfer (REST). Therefore, developers can use Ruby on Rails to organize their web applications in line with HTTP texts and standard resources.

Ruby on Rails is constantly evolving. There has been a concerted effort to remedy any performance issues that bedeviled earlier releases. For example, there are now multiple avenues you can use to manage Ruby memory usage.

2. Beginner Friendly

A significant proportion of first-time developers abandon the pursuit of a programming career because of the unpleasant experience they had when learning their first programming language. Programming languages are not all created equal. There are large variations in difficulty. Ruby happens to fall on the easier end of the difficulty scale.

It uses a simple syntax that is beginner-friendly. Ruby is logical and has an impressive readability quotient. You can write code without necessarily including the comments and help texts to guide readers that are characteristic of more complex languages. And as a plus, coding with Ruby on Rails introduces you to JavaScript and HTML/CSS.

3. Open Source and Backed by Large Community

Ruby on Rails is an open source framework that offers perks such as free downloading and free licensing of source codes. It is compatible with virtually all browsers and operating systems.

The programming framework is backed by an active and fairly large community. From meetups to conferences to online forums, you will find Ruby on Rails developers at every major hackathon and tech event. There are more than 4,000 Ruby on Rails contributors on Github.

So if you are ever unable to figure out a solution to a Ruby on Rails problem, there is help within easy reach. Ruby on Rails’ documentation has grown in detail over the years, which is a plus for newbies who are keen on hitting the ground running.

4. Improves Productivity

Ruby on Rails is a self-documenting development framework. Developers in other programming languages and platforms can readily switch to a Ruby on Rails project and still follow the logic of the code thanks to the remarkable code readability. It is equipped with tools that allow the quick modification of the code of existing web applications.

By minimizing the time developers spend on altering a framework, Ruby on Rails promotes the rapid deployment of development solutions. It enhances developer productivity thus enabling the launch of web applications quickly.

5. Fast

Ruby on Rails facilitates the rapid deployment of web applications by allowing developers to reuse code instead of writing code from scratch. It follows a principle of “convention over configuration” by offering diverse libraries of pre-designed templates, which simplifies the process of adding web app functionality. This saves developers a lot of time they would otherwise spend on the configuration of setup files. Bootstrapped startups looking to get a web application to the market within a tight budget will find that Ruby on Rails’ speed and versatility makes this achievable.

6. Full-Stack and Scalable

Unlike some leading languages such as SQL, Python, Javascript and HTML/CSS, the Ruby on Rails framework facilitates both back- and front-end development. As a full-stack framework, you can create an entire web application without the need to contract a separate back- or front-end developer.

The primary goal of a website is to grow visitor traffic. Ruby on Rails has proven especially adept at this. REST architecture is deeply integrated in the framework which has made it possible for applications to scale with relative ease.

7. Popular Websites Built with Ruby on Rails

What better way to gauge the strength of a web programming framework than to evaluate which large websites are happy to use it? A wide range of globally-significant websites have been built with Ruby on Rails.

These include Airbnb, Bloomberg, Shopify, Basecamp, Github, Goodreads, Kickstarter, Crunchbase, Hulu, Urban Dictionary and Zendesk. You can be confident that building applications with Ruby on Rails places you in esteemed company.

Get Started

If you have been having difficulty determining which programming language or framework to learn first, you are now armed with the key advantages of Ruby on Rails. Get started on learning Ruby on Rails and you will increase your odds of not just building quality web applications but also an exciting and successful career in software development.


Sumit is a Tech and Gadget freak and loves writing about Android and iOS, his favourite past time is playing video games.

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