Backing up data is not only important to businesses but to anyone who uses a computer. Data is unarguably the most important aspect of any computer and can be compromised is the computer hardware crashes, the computer is lost, stolen or destroyed or simply because it was accidentally deleted. In these cases useful data can be lost forever. This is why it is important for all important data on any computer system to be backed up.

Copying files to local drives can be timely and requires a lot of effort. This option always increases chances of hardware failure and theft and this is primarily why internet and cloud storage backup services have gain so much popularity over the years.

The issue is, with so much options to choose from, choosing the best online storage to keep your files safe can be dangerous. Factors such as how much storage space is needed can affect someone’s choice for data storage. How secure the online storage is, is also an important factor to consider when choosing the best online storage. Their policies and type of encryption they provide as well as how access to data is managed are important.

Below are some of the top contenders that provide online storage:


IDrive is one of the most affordable options for people with multiple devices that they wish to backup. It offers a 2TB or 5TB storage limit to users. Most people storage needs will fall within this limit. Features that makes IDrive one of the best online storage platforms is the fact that it uploads at a fast speed and the fact that it offers mobile apps that will backup the data on smaller, portable devices once installed. It also offers a substantial file-syncing option and helps users to save time by mailing a full drive as oppose to uploaded data for several days. Another great features is the fact that it stores old copies of each file indefinitely. While this can cause users to reach their storage caps faster, it is convenient for many. For enhance security IDrive also feature two-factor authentication.

Acronis Cloud Storage

Acronis cloud storage is a user-friendly option for people seeking a reliable storage platform. It promises to provide users with secure, scalable and safe offsite backup for any data no matter the time or place. It is categorized as one of the best online storage because it allows users to carry out local and offsite cloud backup quickly and recover anything without any hassle whether it’s a folder, file or an application. According to the company data stored is encrypted using government-approved AES-256 strong encryption even before they are sent to a secured center to be stores. Acronis allow users to create a password to secure their data. The downside to this storage option is that it is on the pricier side.


SpiderOak is a veteran online storage company, primarily responsible for provided users with a secure encryption key. While most online storage services today have copied this feature the company remains popular due to its robust file-sharing and –syncing capabilities as well as the fact that it provides support for a number of devices. However like Acronis, SpiderOak can be too costly when compared to other popular options such as IDrive and Dropbox. Its upload speed to also inferior compared to IDrive although it can be used to restore files fairly quickly.


pCloud does have a bandwidth restriction but it does not restrict users as it related to the size of files that they can store on their close. Both computer and mobile users seeking to backup information can use pCloud which can also be accessed on their website. The features of this online storage includes file management, sharing, security, file versioning and file backup. pCloud is provided by a Swiss company that is grounded by strong laws of privacy so users information is less likely to be compromised.


Mega offers one of the most user-friendly interface to its users which makes file backups completely painless. From the Mega drive space users can create folders and simple drag and drop files they wish to store into their space. Mega online storage is available to mobile device users as well as Mac, Windows and even Linux users who can acess the drive using a standalone application (MEGA Android app, MEGA iOS app, and Windows phone app).

Google Drive Online Storage

Google Drive is one of the best online storage for backup available today. It’s a popular choice among android and windows pc users alike. In addition, to different word documents, Google drive also allows users to store high definition photos with their companion all Google Photos. One impressive feature for mobile device users is that google drive now allows them to scan and store different files. Also, while files stored on Google Drive are kept secure users can opt to share their files with other users who they wish to collaborate with. Data store on the platform is protected and kept secured by Secured Socket Layered online protection, a feature which is extremely important for mobile users. SSL encryption keeps data safe.

Dropbox Features

Drop Bow allow users to save their files securely on a tablet computer or phone using their online storage platform. Like Google Drive. It allows users to be in control of who is able to gain access to their files. To keep data secure dropbox offers a two-step verification which provides users with a login authentication feature to enhance the security of their account. Dropbox also uses secure Sockets Layer (SSL)/Transport Layer Security (TLS) to protect data stored and keep it from falling into the wrong hands.

Cloud storage is important today more than ever. There is always a disadvantage in relying on hardware that can also be expensive to backup important files. The great news is that there are many great online storage platforms that can be used for storing data securely.


Sumit is a Tech and Gadget freak and loves writing about Android and iOS, his favourite past time is playing video games.

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