Web creation is an ever-evolving space. Whether you’re an experienced creator or a new creator looking to quickly upgrade your skills, education holds the key to constant improvement. Great creators spend the majority of their time working on their skills and improving their knowledge of what makes them successful.

Given the creative nature of web design, upskilling can be a tough task. After all, how can you create more responsive designs without testing them thoroughly, or how can you create visually stunning websites without making a few mistakes along the way?

Initiatives such as Elementor’s Academy help web creators access a vast range of resources and learning material in a single place. Here’s how the academy helps creators, both new and experienced, enhance their skills.

Starting From Scratch

All web creators have to take both artistic and technical requirements into account when creating websites. For instance, a great-looking website doesn’t serve any purpose unless it performs well. Beginner creators often struggle to hit the right balance between great looks and performance.

For instance, a website’s layout might have multiple assets spread across three columns on a page. The client might want to retain all of these assets while improving performance. Elementor’s course on website performance optimization addresses these issues by walking creators through many fundamental design elements.

While Elementor’s backend takes care of code-related performance issues automatically, creators will still need to follow best practices. Given the changing nature of technology, and the fallout from Google’s frequent SEO algorithm updates, even experienced creators will benefit from reviewing the material in the academy.

The academy also includes courses that familiarize creators with Elementor’s interface and walks them through a step-by-step website creation process. The courses also address external issues such as the choice of web hosts and SEO-related optimization that creators should take into account when executing projects for their clients.

Skill Development

Elementor is a powerful website design tool and has multiple resources. creators can get lost in the vast array of features, or even worse, neglect using some features that could solve their issues instantly. To this end, Elementor’s academy helps creators get acquainted with all of the design platform’s features individually.

For instance, the academy has an entire section devoted to responsive design fundamentals, a constant obstacle every creator faces. Given the number of platforms users access the web from these days (as many as seven, according to Elementor), creators have to keep themselves abreast of evolving challenges.

Everything from basic tips such as the fundamentals of responsive design to advanced tips such as using custom positioning units to enhance responsiveness is covered in the academy. Crucially, the academy also hosts lessons on dealing with common responsiveness design challenges and provides easy solutions for them.

For those who love incorporating animated elements, Elementor hosts several video lessons on using motion effects in design elements. Everything from animated text effects to using X and Y anchor points with motion effects is covered.

By isolating individual elements like this, Elementor’s Academy gives creators a chance to go deep on certain specializations, thereby increasing the value they can deliver to their clients.

Business Growth

While learning the elements of design is great, many creators often struggle to market their business and get themselves noticed by clients. Marketing isn’t a core skill for many creators, and this is a significant hurdle.

While not as deep as the design-oriented lessons in the academy, Elementor hosts lessons on SEO, content marketing, increasing conversions, and getting more clients. creators can view webinars from leading experts. For instance, creators can learn about becoming a data-driven marketer from B2B marketing expert Kieran Flanagan.

In addition to this, the academy also hosts webinars about using Google Analytics, best design practices for forms that boost conversions, and how to use emotions to connect better with an audience. The result is a well-rounded look at design from a creative perspective and a business standpoint.

The academy isn’t the web’s foremost resource for growing a design business. However, by paying attention to these subjects, Elementor has shown that it is aware of the issues that plague its audience.

Well Rounded Support

One of the best features of the academy is its integration with the larger Elementor community. creators can find collaboration partners and experts across all areas of design in the community. In the forums, they can ask any questions they have issues with and receive solutions.

Backing up the community is Elementor’s support center that ensures all questions are answered in a timely fashion. Elementor’s academy is a great step forward for creators looking to increase their design skills and connect with a wider network of experts. There’s no doubt that as time goes on, Elementor will improve its offerings in the academy and serve creators even better. 


Sumit is a Tech and Gadget freak and loves writing about Android and iOS, his favourite past time is playing video games.

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