Having kids means more expenses. And in some cases, the regular job is just not cutting it anymore. Some moms would rather look for an opportunity to make something extra on the side when they have a free hour or two every day, or even dedicate their weekend to working.

Of course, things are easier if you are working from home, but that should not be something to limit you. There are multiple methods that can make you money on the side, even if you can spare only a few hours every week.

Tip #1 – Start a Print on Demand Store

Print on demand Store can be a lot of fun, especially if you have a knack for creativity and would like to express yourself by putting your ideas on products such as t-shirts and mugs. 

You will need to spend a bit of time researching the market and creating the designs for your merchandise. When you have an idea of what you want to create and promote, creating the website and marketing are all that is left.

The ability to scale your new business with Facebook ads is great, but how much does print on demand cost? Initially, it should not be a lot since you are going to be spending money on the domain name and hosting.

You might also ask yourself what other methods are effective in attracting more customers. Search engine optimization is one of them, as is promoting your merchandise with influencers. You ought to uncover even more methods as your business will continue to scale.

Tip #2 – Take Care of Pets

Take Care of Pets

There is money to be made if you love animals. Not every dog owner has time to take their dog out for a walk. When that happens, they look to hire someone to do the job for them. If you often take care of other people’s pets, it’s best you recommend them getting a pet insurance plan, like those offered by Bivvy, just to minimize the risks of handling an emergency with another person’s dog

And it is not just the dogs. Other pets require attention as well. You may even score a gig that allows you to stay at home and make money for doing virtually nothing else than keeping an eye on the pet now and then.

Tip #3 – Babysit

Some may think that babysitting is a job for teenagers. However, if there is a choice between someone who already has experience with the kids and someone who does not, the former wins.

Taking care of another child might be too much for some, but if you have no complaints, go for the babysitting gig. You may even find a playmate for your child.

Tip #4 – Rent out Extra Space

Renting out extra space is a good piece of advice, especially if you have a lot of room and have no need for it. At the end of the day, every little bit of income helps, and if it is of no inconvenience to you and other family members, renting a room, garage, or another type of storage should not be an issue.

Tip #5 – Write a Blog

Write a Blog

Blogging continues to be a good method to make money on the internet. The start might be slow since you will need to establish yourself first and find an audience. 

Consistently writing articles is also something that not everyone is capable of doing. Nevertheless, if you have ideas and want to share them with the world, blogging is the best option. And if it creates a passive source of income at the same time, even better.

Tip #6 – Teach

You can either teach on the internet or in front of a live audience. The latter might be problematic depending on when you are available, though it is worth mentioning how there are classes in the evenings.

Meanwhile, picking the option to teach online might be an even better idea. There is a high demand for online courses nowadays since people are looking to improve their craft further or learn new skills and change their careers. Selling courses on websites like Skillshare and Udemy can bring a lot of money. 

Tip #7 – Shop for Others

There are people who are not capable of doing their shopping. Hiring help is one of the only options. And while there are services that you can order online, not everyone has the skills nor the availability of the computer or the internet connection.

If you like shopping, you can look for people who might be in need of help. All in all, shopping is a relatively stress-free work and a good opportunity to make extra money.

Tip #8 – Work in Customer Support

Work in Customer Support

Landing a good job in a customer support department is a bit challenging, but you should still look for any that might be available.

In most cases, you only need a device and an internet connection. Responding on social media or emails is perfectly fine with just the smartphone, which means that you can work from anywhere provided that you have access to the internet.


Sumit is a Tech and Gadget freak and loves writing about Android and iOS, his favourite past time is playing video games.

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