Sales goals are commonly used to measure and motivate your company’s sales team. There are many methods used by top world leaders to make your business thrive and be successful. As your competition may develop rapidly, it is crucial to implement some innovative strategies to your 2021 plan of conquering the market. Identifying your team’s targets based on their realistic capabilities might be pivotal in meeting your goals. Moreover, an elaborate plan filled with semi-goals might be much more effective than setting one unreasonable aspiration.

If you struggle with setting sales goals for your business, follow some of the tips listed below.

Set Monthly Sales Goals

Goals set for your team or yourself should be adequately calculated to meet the annual requirements. By planning your monthly or weekly sales targets based on the customer’s purchasing power and your employee’s abilities, you’ll be able to create more defined goals. In other words, analyzing key factors of your business will help you set realistic targets. Follow seasonal fluctuations and aspects such as negotiations between labor and management, which might occur during the process.

Observe and Adjust Your Targets

Market tendencies can change any minute. Try to adjust your goals to upcoming opportunities and change your strategy to maximize your success. Moreover, rapid reaction with properly analyzed solutions applied to the market will help you become a leader in your field.

Take the COVID-19 outbreak as an example. By analyzing the market’s needs in that specific period, your company could have made several changes in potential customers’ lives to gain more clients. Depending on your niche, you could create tech tools to help company owners manage the work remotely or start selling gadgets related to the current situation.

There are many new techniques to help you overcome the uphils on the market. Methodology of sales enablement may help to achieve the best sales results. Visit SalesHood to learn more about the importance of this aspect. 

Define Your Goals in a SMART Way

Do you ever feel like you’re working aimlessly towards achieving your goal? The SMART methodology might help you to define your targets more precisely. So what does SMART stand for? It’s an acronym for Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, Time-limited. 

Ask yourself the following questions to understand the importance of this step.


Your goal should be clear and include all the significant details; otherwise, motivating yourself to complete it might be challenging. Why should I accomplish it?

  • Why is this goal important to me?
  • Who should be involved in the process?
  • What resources should I use?


Nothing motivates more than noticeable progress. Find a way to track your little achievements to stay focused and inspired along the way.

  • What tools can I use to track my progress?
  • How much?/How many?


Be honest with yourself. Will you be able to achieve this goal, or maybe it is more of your unfulfilled ambition? Targets need to be realistic and attainable. To put it in another way, new goals should slightly stretch your abilities to keep you motivated. 

  • How realistic is this goal after taking into consideration all the factors?
  • Will I be able to achieve this goal?


At this point, you should make sure if that goal matters to your business and what are the long term consequences.

  • Is this target relevant to my business activity?
  • Is it a suitable time?
  • Will the result fulfill the needs of the company?


Set a deadline to motivate your team and speed up the process. In that way, you’ll be fully committed to achieving your goal.

  • When?
  • What can I do today?

Using the SMART methodology to guide your strategy will help you track your team’s progress much more efficiently.

Set Smaller Goals to Achieve Greater Things

Does making 50 sales per week sound unmotivating to your employees? Change your narrative and ask them to make five calls per day. Sounds like something more likely to achieve? By focusing on small steps, your team will boost their morale and confidence instead of being stressed to reach the end goal. Keep in mind that the process of achieving each plan will differ. Applying the same strategy to meet similar targets might not always be advisable.

Prioritize Your Goals 

Select the goals that guarantee you the highest value. Follow some of the tips below on how to prioritize your goals effectively.

  1. Focus on actions that bring you closer to achieving your goal. Work can be chaotic. Getting swamped with answering emails or repeatedly checking the reports can drain your energy pretty quickly. Use your peak performance hours to work towards your goals. 
  2. Plan what you need to do in advance. Working days can be chaotic. To stay organized, create your schedule the day before—state all the necessary tasks required to accomplish your target.
  3. Appoint deadlines. Even the smallest tasks should be limited in time. In other words, without time pressure, you will not feel the urge to complete your goals.


The vital action to help you set and manage your sales goals is tracking, monitoring, and adjusting. In 2021 it is crucial to analyze the pandemic period and find a way to benefit from it. As the present situation might change quite rapidly, you can bash the competition and become a leader by simply observing the tendencies. Plan your goals using the SMART method to save your time and progress! Moreover, you shouldn’t hesitate to take advice from professionals who specialize in coaching or management to boost your team’s productivity.


Sumit is a Tech and Gadget freak and loves writing about Android and iOS, his favourite past time is playing video games.

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